Well, I'll be damned.... she actually remembered
how to get back on the list. You haven't missed much, Jade... a couple of
nobodies (or was it no one in partictular's) trying to bash the band... one or
two called them homophobic because they're gay.... obviously not even knowing
that they made a contradiction right there.... you missed the 300 unsubscribe
demands, and the threats to us that if we don't stop maiing, then they'll file
complaints with AOL, MSN, their local law enforcement, the UN, and whoever else
they could dream up that they thought might give a damn... there was the one
threatening to bomb (I think it was) Nikki's account if she didn't stop
mailing.... haven't heard from him in a while... he's probably still cleaning up
the mess he got. Erm... as for this new list... we have a limit of 500
words per e-mail, and there's a daily cap on 500 mails per day. It used to
be 250 mails a day, so things are improving. It was a slow quiet few days
during the transition between lists, though... some of us thought we'd go
totally insane before the list came back (yeah, I'm speaking for myself
Families doing great.... Dustin is 5 months now,
and growing fast... first tooth should be breaking through anyday now.
Tara and I both have pics of him posted on our websites (mine is http://nightstorm.isyourgod.com and
Tara's is http://www.geocities.com/Sunshyne1976 )
so go and check it out sometime. I sent a copy of a pic to Jenn to put on
the profiles website, but sahe had to go away for a bit before she could get it
up. Other than that, I guess you could just sum it all up as SSDD.
So welcome back to the list, and be ready for just about anything here right
now... nothing is suprising at the moment.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2001 10:31
THIS {:o)
What the HELL is all of
this??? LoL, I never got this welcome and I've joined
and left a zillion
billion times! :)~~ Glad to see you are still here Scott
Baybeeeeeee, lol.
Hope your family is doing great :) Wow, things are a lil
different here
huh? Well the server, pretty much seems to be the same peeps.
Hmm...soooooooooooooo wuzzzzzzzz up? Something exciting must of happend!
me in!